Brand Signature Staging and Color

When the icon is tethered
together with the wordmark
as a integrated unit, it forms the
brand signature. Provided are
the three recommended instances
for use in all communication
and collateral applications.

Brand Signature

These guidelines serve to ensure consistent and proper use of the brand signature in all brand communications. Consistent and exact use of the signature maintains a unified appearance throughout the brand. The wordmark and icon are custom vector forms, and only the digital files provided should be used. They should never be modified in any way.

Signature Staging

A buffer zone provides relief to the signature, visually distancing it from other elements. This area allows the signature to stand apart from its surroundings and facilitates rapid recognition. The illustration to the left indicates the minimum space (based upon the height of the height of the icon) around the signature that should remain free of other elements.
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Color Palette

Consistent use of our color palette maintains a unified appearance for all materials and is critical to the brand. Please note the color combinations do shift from the default Pantone color bridge conversions. Please follow the numerical color combinations provided. Do not use screened colors not delineated here. Please use approved colors only.

One-Color Brand Signature

Icon only

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Vertical Signature

Horizontal Signature

One-Color Brand Signature

Solid on a light subtrate
Sendthisfile logo on a transparent background.
Reversed on a dark subtrate

Brand Typography

Montserrat Extra Light (Google font)

Used for display copy and call-outs



Montserrat Extra Bold

Used for call-outs and body copy



Montserrat Medium

Used for body copy



Design Elements

Folder Element

Lock Element

Binary Code

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